Quooker Instant Boiling Water and Combination Taps

Quooker instant boiling water taps

Every now and then a 'vital' new kitchen appliance comes along that changes the face of cooking. 

The Quooker system consists of a small tank in the kitchen cupboard that is linked to the boiling water tap on the worktop. 

The tank acts like a vacuum flask connected to the water mains. 

The air in the insulated wall is so thin that the heat is unable to escape. It therefore takes very little energy (just 10 watts) to keep the water in the tank at 110°C. 

The water only starts to boil when the tap is turned on and the temperature of the outflowing water drops to 100°C. 

While the water is flowing out of the tap, fresh water immediately flows into the tank.

100°C Boiling water always available. 

You'll be surprised to discover how often you need boiling water during a day. You get up - coffee or tea, and if you've got time, a soft-boiled egg perhaps. Do you have small children? Then you'll have to make up formula milk or porridge and sterilise the bottles. Again: boiling water. 

Very useful from early in the morning to just before bedtime.

With a Quooker, the boiling water is available instantly and that brings a bit of calm to a home, particularly on days which are busy with work, school, sport and clubs - because honestly, there isn’t a day in your life when you haven’t got something better to do than waiting for water to boil.

Totally Safe

The question whether a Quooker is 100% safe is totally understandable. 

  • No Solid Jet of Boiling Water - It is made of fine drops; a huge difference to the solid jet of water.
  • Child Safe Handle - A sophisticated safety system ensures it will never automatically dispense boiling water. You first have to press the handle twice and then turn it.
  • Insulated Rotatable Tap - To further decrease the risk of burns the taps have a rotatable spout that you can aim precisely and is well insulated in all models, meaning that you won’t run the risk of burning yourself after operating the Quooker.
  • Quookers Cannot Tip Over - They are firmly affixed to the work surface, meaning they cannot tip over.  A kettle or a pan of water on a hob however can be knocked or accidentally tipped over. 

Multi Versatile - Multiple advantages such as:

  • 100% Boiling water immediately
  • Hot water immediately
  • Equipped with a CUBE under worktop add-on the Quooker tap also provides filtered chilled and sparkling water. 
  • All from one tap means you no longer have to buy water in plastic bottles. (To obtain sparkling water, a Quooker CO2 cylinder must be connected to the CUBE).
  • Filtered and pure

Energy Efficient.  Anyone who needs boiling water several times a day will not use more energy with a Quooker than with a kettle. 

  • Its' supply tank contains water stored at a temperature of 110ºC. 
  • This tank is a kind of thermos flask that’s connected to the water mains. 
  • Thanks to the high-vacuum insulation, the heat can’t escape. 
  • Only very little energy (10 watts) is required to keep the water in the tank at boiling point.
  •  When you pour boiling water from the tap, fresh water immediately runs into the tank under the worktop. 

Pure Water. With a Quooker in your home, you can enjoy the best and most delicious drinking water all day, every day. How is that possible? 

  • Active carbon filter in the reservoir purifies the water as it flows through this active carbon filter leaving all impurities behind in the filter. Any chlorine, bacteria, pesticides and other forms of contamination that can negatively impact the taste are removed from the water.
  • The water is ‘boiled through’ because it is stored in the tank at a temperature of 110ºC. Most people will taste the difference straight away.

Sustainability. Climate change is upon us and is showing no immediate signs of slowing down. Although it might feel like luxury to have filtered boiling, chilled and sparkling water on tap, a Quooker is a sustainable purchase.

  • When you dispense water from your Quooker tap, you use the exact amount of water you need. Unlike with a kettle, whereby people often boil more water than needed...or decide to re-boil it because the water has cooled down, wasting lots of energy!
  • The COMBI reservoir not only supplies boiling water, but also hot water for washing up.  
  • With a Quooker CUBE, you will get filtered chilled and sparkling as well as 100 degrees boiling, hot and cold water. This means no more plastic bottles. With a reusable bottle you can enjoy the crisp taste of Quooker's chilled and sparkling water on the go.
  • The CUBE also saves water - no more tap running for a while to get cold enough water to drink.  With a CUBE, you can enjoy the immediacy of super chilled, filtered water without having to wait or more importantly waste litres of water. 

Don't forget - we have a range of Quooker boiling hot water taps along with regular taps on display for you to look at and experience in our showroom!

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